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  • VFW Post 9274 7118 Shreve Rd Falls Church VA 22043 United States (map)

VFW Post 9274 will be hosting the INOVA Blood Bank. It is more important than ever to get in and donate. Don’t forget everyone who donates a pint gets a pint on us.

Click her to register:

 For more information please see below;

Individuals are not at risk of contracting COVID-19 from donating blood. COVID-19 also continues to pose no known risk to patients receiving blood transfusions, with no reported cases of transfusion transmission of this virus.  Donating blood is a safe process and people should not hesitate to give or receive blood. The need for blood is constant, and volunteer donors are the only source of blood for those in need of transfusions. It’s important to emphasize that there is no data or evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted by blood transfusion, and there have been no reported cases of transmissions for any respiratory virus, including this coronavirus,

IBDS strongly encourages all healthy individuals and sponsors of blood drives to schedule appointments and keep commitments to donate blood and to help maintain a sufficient blood supply and avoid any potential shortages.  

Increased donations are needed as blood centers prepare for possible impacts on blood donation collections as a result of any COVID-19 travel restrictions and grapple with the ongoing impact of the flu season. The support of new and current blood donors is critical to maintaining an adequate blood supply for the patients that reply on the generosity of donors every day.

Every 3 seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood and more than 31,000 pints of blood are used daily. However, less than 10 percent of Americans currently donate each year. EVERY DAY, the Inova Blood Donor Services must collect nearly 250 blood donations for patients who rely on blood to survive.

Shortfalls in donations can cause delays in essential medical care for patients, including Trauma and life-saving surgery. Your donation on March 12th will make a HUGE impact and could help save someone’ life.  

Please take into consideration the ripple effect on the community if blood is not available for patients in need.

While incidence of the coronavirus continues to fluctuate throughout the world, our local patients’ need for blood products remains constant. With so many of our regular donors already being impacted by flu season, we are relying more than ever on our existing, eligible donors. It is only through your partnership and steady commitment to donating that we can continue to provide hope and healing to all those hospital patients who require transfusions as part of their treatment.